Found Adrift: 40 Days of Recovering Grace

(October 2012)
Available in Paperback ($8.99)
and Kindle Edition ($1.99)
Welcome fellow drifter: I don’t know about you, but I’m easily distracted. If God set me in a rowboat on the water and told me to pay attention and not let myself drift too far from the shoreline, I’m sure I’d be in the middle of the lake before I realized I’d drifted from the shore. Then sitting in the middle of that lake, I’d realize I didn’t have a paddle. And sometimes I feel so far away that no one on the shore could possibly hear me. Have you ever been there? If you have ever been distracted by your daily life and suddenly looked up and found yourself far behind where you should be in your walk with God, then you are a drifter like me. This devotional is your paddle.
What are readers saying?
"This book is for people who have been distracted by life to the point where their walk with God is not as often or as close as it once was. That's me. That's many of us." - S. Frost (Amazon Reviewer)
Available in Paperback ($8.99)
and Kindle Edition ($1.99)
Welcome fellow drifter: I don’t know about you, but I’m easily distracted. If God set me in a rowboat on the water and told me to pay attention and not let myself drift too far from the shoreline, I’m sure I’d be in the middle of the lake before I realized I’d drifted from the shore. Then sitting in the middle of that lake, I’d realize I didn’t have a paddle. And sometimes I feel so far away that no one on the shore could possibly hear me. Have you ever been there? If you have ever been distracted by your daily life and suddenly looked up and found yourself far behind where you should be in your walk with God, then you are a drifter like me. This devotional is your paddle.
What are readers saying?
"This book is for people who have been distracted by life to the point where their walk with God is not as often or as close as it once was. That's me. That's many of us." - S. Frost (Amazon Reviewer)
The Prodigal Life & Faith Notes

(August 2012)
Available in Paperback ($6.99)
Includes The Prodigal Life, 101 Faith Notes, 101 Notes of Thanksgiving, and 40 Devotions for Horse Lovers. Four Amazon Bestsellers in one volume.
The Prodigal Life
(October 2011)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
So many of us get lost on "The Way" - we need help. The prodigal son tells the story of a Christian who gets lost, but finds hope. The road is narrow, and hard to stay on. It's easy to wander. This book can be used as a guide. Never give up. One Christian Author called THE PRODIGAL LIFE "required reading for all Christians."
What are readers saying?
"I can't put into words how much the book has made me think differently. Thank you for writing this book and opening my eyes." - Donna, a reader via email
Available in Paperback ($6.99)
Includes The Prodigal Life, 101 Faith Notes, 101 Notes of Thanksgiving, and 40 Devotions for Horse Lovers. Four Amazon Bestsellers in one volume.
The Prodigal Life
(October 2011)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
So many of us get lost on "The Way" - we need help. The prodigal son tells the story of a Christian who gets lost, but finds hope. The road is narrow, and hard to stay on. It's easy to wander. This book can be used as a guide. Never give up. One Christian Author called THE PRODIGAL LIFE "required reading for all Christians."
What are readers saying?
"I can't put into words how much the book has made me think differently. Thank you for writing this book and opening my eyes." - Donna, a reader via email
Christian in Training: A 4o day Devotional

(January 2012)
Available in Kindle Edition ($1.99)
A 2-minute per day, 40 day devotional for horse lovers. This series of short 2-minute devotions relates the Scriptures to Horsemanship, giving the reader and rider a new insight into God's word. First begun as a weekly devotion in "More From Ruby" - the website addition from RUBY FOR WOMEN Magazine.
What are readers saying?
"To say this is an excellent devotional for horsemen and women is such a huge understatement that I am loathe to try to qualify it at all." - E. Maze (Amazon Reviewer)
"...use of horse and trainer to see meaning in Scripture is fresh, and could appeal to anyone." - S. Dawson (Amazon Reviewer)
Available in Kindle Edition ($1.99)
A 2-minute per day, 40 day devotional for horse lovers. This series of short 2-minute devotions relates the Scriptures to Horsemanship, giving the reader and rider a new insight into God's word. First begun as a weekly devotion in "More From Ruby" - the website addition from RUBY FOR WOMEN Magazine.
What are readers saying?
"To say this is an excellent devotional for horsemen and women is such a huge understatement that I am loathe to try to qualify it at all." - E. Maze (Amazon Reviewer)
"...use of horse and trainer to see meaning in Scripture is fresh, and could appeal to anyone." - S. Dawson (Amazon Reviewer)
101 Notes of Thanksgiving

(November 2011)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
Notes and Meditations on God's word and what the believer has to be thankful for. This book is a short devotional book with scriptures and notes on those scriptures meant to engage the reader in praise and thanksgiving for God and His promises. Perfect for this season of thanks, but can be used any time of year to help you remember all the things God has done for you and why we should praise Him!
What are readers saying?
"I was expecting the same old shallow, feel good notes most inspirational books have these days. The kind that says little of anything that means much. THAT WAS NOT THE CASE AT ALL. This was deep." - M. Lee (Amazon Reviewer)
"Not only do the notes lift me up they have given me fodder for my public speaking engagements." - F. Anne (Amazon Reviewer)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
Notes and Meditations on God's word and what the believer has to be thankful for. This book is a short devotional book with scriptures and notes on those scriptures meant to engage the reader in praise and thanksgiving for God and His promises. Perfect for this season of thanks, but can be used any time of year to help you remember all the things God has done for you and why we should praise Him!
What are readers saying?
"I was expecting the same old shallow, feel good notes most inspirational books have these days. The kind that says little of anything that means much. THAT WAS NOT THE CASE AT ALL. This was deep." - M. Lee (Amazon Reviewer)
"Not only do the notes lift me up they have given me fodder for my public speaking engagements." - F. Anne (Amazon Reviewer)
101 Faith Notes

(October 2011)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
Scriptures and Meditations on Faith and God's promises. This is a short book designed to make you think and consider God's word in one of its many facets. Hopefully you'll see God's word in a new way.
What are readers saying?
"I used this book as a way to help increase my interest in the Bible." - Jamie J. (Amazon Reviewer)
"Inspirational! Easy reading. I found the book helpful. I would recommend this book to people who are trying to follow their faith journey." - bach1961 (Amazon Reviewer)
Available in Kindle Edition (99 cents)
Scriptures and Meditations on Faith and God's promises. This is a short book designed to make you think and consider God's word in one of its many facets. Hopefully you'll see God's word in a new way.
What are readers saying?
"I used this book as a way to help increase my interest in the Bible." - Jamie J. (Amazon Reviewer)
"Inspirational! Easy reading. I found the book helpful. I would recommend this book to people who are trying to follow their faith journey." - bach1961 (Amazon Reviewer)